All Publications


Lisa-Marie Wadle, Ulrich W Ebner-Priemer, Jerome C Foo, Yoshiharu Yamamoto, Fabian Streit, Stephanie H Witt 3; Josef Frank; Lea Zillich, Matthias F Limberger, Ayimnisagul Ablimit, Tanja Schultz, Maria Gilles, Marcella Rietschel, Lea Sirignano (2024). Speech Features as Predictors of Momentary Depression Severity in Patients With Depressive Disorder Undergoing Sleep Deprivation Therapy: Ambulatory Assessment Pilot Study. JMIR Mental Health.
Tobias Weiss, Jella Pfeiffer (2024). Consumer Decisions in Virtual Commerce: Predict Good Help-timing based on Cognitive Load. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics.
Fabio Stano, Michael Knierim (2024). Towards EEG-based Decision Support Systems: Externalizing Neural Information to Improve Economic Decision Quality. European Conference of Information Systems.
Grote, Alexander, Hariharan, Anuja, Knierim, Michael, Weinhardt, Christof (2024). How good are you? An empirical classification performance comparison of large language models with traditional open set recognition classifiers.. 16th Central European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS2024).
Alexander Grote, Wolfgang Badewitz, Michael Knierim, Christof Weinhardt (2024). The Positive Impact of Metric Learning on Open Set Nearest Neighbor Classification. Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences.
Michael Knierim, Lukas Braun, Monica Perusquia-Hernandez (2024). Warmth on Demand: Designing Headphones for Enhanced Thermal Comfort in Work Environments. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Marius Schenkluhn, Michael Knierim, Francisco Kiss, Christof Weinhardt (2024). Connecting Home: Human-Centric Setup Automation in the Augmented Smart Home.. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.


Tom Reuscher, Peyman Toreini, Aleander Maedche (2023). The State of the Art of Diagnostic Multiparty Eye Tracking in Synchronous Computer-Mediated Collaboration.. Journal of Eye Movement Research.
Mario Nadj, Raphael Rissler, Marc Adam, Michael Knierim, Maximilian Li, Alexander Maedche, Rene Riedl (2023). What Disrupts Flow in Office Work? The Impact of Frequency and Relevance of IT-Mediated Interruptions. Management Infromation Systems Quarterly (MISQ).
Lisa-Marie Wadle, Ulrich Ebner-Priemer (2023). Smart digital phenotyping. European Neuropsychopharmacology: The Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology.
Julia Seitz, Ivo Benke, Armin Heinzl, Alexander Maedche (2023). The Impact of Video Meeting Systems on Psychological User States: a State-of-the-Art Review. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
Pascal Hessler, Jella Pfeiffer, Matthias Unfried (2023). Conversational Agents With Voice: How Social Presence Influences the User Behavior in Microlending Decisions. European Conference of Infromation Systems.
Petra Nieken, Tom Reuscher (2023). Social Gaze in Team Cooperation: A Multiparty Eye Tracking Study. IAREP-SABE 47th International Conference.
Saskia Haug, Ivo Benke, Daniel Fischer, Alexander Maedche (2023). CrowdSurfer: Seamlessly Integrating Crowd-Feedback Tasks into Everyday Internet Surfing. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Christoph Berger, Michael Knierim, Ivo Benke, Karen Bartholomeyczik, Christof Weinhardt (2023). InterFlowCeption: Foundations for Technological Enhancement of Interoception to Foster Flow States during Mental Work. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Karen Bartholomeyczik, Michael Knierim, Christof Weinhardt, G. Oettingen (2023). Using mental contrasting to foster flow experiences during everyday work. Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science.
Anne Cordts, Martin Klarmann, Johannes Habel (2023). Should I call or come by? How communication modes affect employee learning about the customer. EMAC Annual Conference 2023.
Tim Schneegans, Andry Niclas, Kirsten Greiner, Ivo Dr. Benke, Alexander Prof. Dr. Maedche, Michael Beigl (2023). Annotating Affect in the Field: A Case Study on the Usability of a Minimalist Smartwatch User Interface for Affect Annotation. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Karen Bartholomeyczik, Ulrich Ebner-Priemer, Christof Weinhardt (2023). Stress is negatively associated with flow experiences in daily life. Society for Ambulatory Assessment Annual Conference.
Gabriel Ivucic, Saurav Pahuja, Siqi Cai, Haizhou Li, Tanja Schultz (2023). EEG-based decoding of auditory attention using a deep attention network: revealing neural commonalities of selective attention across individuals . 10th International Brain-Computer-Interfaces Meeting.
Thimo Schulz, Shi Liu, Christian Peukert, Peyman Toreini, Alexander Maedche, Christof Weinhardt (2023). An Immersive 'Proto Learning Factory' Concept for Teaching AI Competencies. Conference on Learning Factories.
Anke Greif-Winzrieth, Verena Dorner, Fabian Wuest, Paul Gorny, Christof Weinhardt (2023). Seeing is Feeling: Emotional Cues in Others' Heart Rate Visualizations. Information Systems and Neuroscience.
Peyman Toreini, Mohazzeb Jahromi, Jonas Gunklach (2023). Exploring the Usage of Mixed Reality-based Information Dashboards. European Conference of Information Systems.
Tobias Weiss, Patrik Kirch, Maraike Buest, Siegfried Schindler, Jella Pfeiffer (2023). Eine interdisziplinäre Kooperation in der Hochschullehre mit Hilfe der virtuellen Realität. Workshop-Proceedings der DELFI & HDI 2023.
Tobias Weiss, Jella Pfeiffer (2023). Consumer decisions in virtual commerce: good help-timing and its prediction based on cognitive load. NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference Proceedings.
Tobias Weiss, Lukas Merkl, Jella Pfeiffer (2023). Customer Decision-Making Processes Revisited: Insights from an Eye Tracking and ECG Study using a Hidden Markov Model.. Information Systems and Neuroscience.
Thai Cao, Benjamin Scheibehenne (2023). Search Strategy Adaptivity in Large Set Sizes. SPUDM: Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision-making.
Lisa-Marie Wadle, Jerome C. Foo, Fabian Streit, Stephanie H. Witt, Josef Frank, Lea Zillich, Matthias F. Limberger, Ayimnisagul Ablimit, Tanja Schultz, Ulrich W. Ebner-Priemer, Marcella Rietschel, Maria Gilles, Lea Sirignano (2023). Speech features and depression severity in patients undergoing sleep deprivation therapy. SAA conference.
Saurav Pahuja, Gabriel Ivucic, Felix Putze, Siqi Cai, Haizhou Li, Tanja Schultz (2023). Enhancing Subject-Independent EEG-based Auditory Attention Decoding with WGAN and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. IEEE SMC BMI 2023.
Julia Seitz, Chiara Krisam, Ivo Benke (2023). A State of the Art Overview on Biosignal-based User-Adaptive Video Conferencing Systems. 18th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik.
Carolin Stein, Tim Straub, Jessica Jachimowicz, Jonas Fegert (2023). Same same but different - Towards a taxonomy for digital involvement projects.. Europen Conference of Information Systems.
Moritz Langner, Peyman Toreini, Alexander Maedche (2023). Leveraging Eye Tracking Technology for a Situation-Aware Writing Assistant. ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications.
Alexander Grote, Wolfgang Badewitz, Michael Knierim, Christof Weinhardt (2023). Time-Aware Data Profiling With Decision Tree Pattern Mining. IEEE 25th Conference on Business Informatics (CBI).


Pascal Oliver Hessler, Jella Pfeiffer, Sebastian Hafenbroedl (2022). When Self-Humanization Leads to Algorithm Aversion. Business and Information Systems Engineering.
Peyman Toreini, Moritz Langner, Alexander Maedche, Stefan Morana, Tobias Vogel (2022). Designing Attentive Information Dashboards. Journal of the Association for Information Systems.
Ingo Halbauer, Saskia Jacob, Martin Klarmann (2022). Brand presentation order in voice shopping: Understanding the effects of sequential product presentation. Journal of Retailing.
David Huber, Leonie Kuehl, Nora Szech (2022). Setting adequate wages for workers: Managers work experience, incentive scheme and gender matter. PLOS ONE.
Ivo Benke, Maren Schneider, Xuanhui Liu, Alexander Maedche (2022). TeamSpiritous - A Retrospective Emotional Competence Development System for Video-Meetings. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction.
Karen Bartholomeyczik, Michael Gusenbauer, Theresa Treffers (2022). The influence of incidental emotions on decision-making under risk and uncertainty: a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental evidence. Cognition and Emotion.
Michael Knierim, Max Schemmer, Niklas Bauer (2022). A simplified design of a cEEGrid ear-electrode adapter for the OpenBCI biosensing platform. HardwareX.
Tobias Roeddiger, Christopher Clarke, Paula Breitling, Tim Schneegans, Haibin Zhao, Hans Gellersen, Michael Beigl (2022). Sensing with Earables. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies.
Tobias Menzel, Timm Teubner, Marc T.P. Adam, Peyman Toreini (2022). Home is where your Gaze is - Evaluating effects of embedding regional cues in user interfaces. Computers in Human Behavior.
Anne Cordts, Martin Klarmann, Johannes Habel (2022). Mediated communication and the impact on frontline employee learning. EMAC Annual Conference.
Michael Knierim, Christian Zimny, Julia Seitz (2022). Monitoring Cognitive Load with 3D-Printed EEG Headphones. International Conference of Information Systems.
Michael Knierim, Karen Bartholomeyczik, Petra Nieken, Christof Weinhardt (2022). Could we Predict Flow from Ear-EEG. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction.
Saskia Haug, Ivo Benke, Alexander Maedche (2022). Aligning Crowdworker Perspectives and Feedback Outcomes in Crowd-Feedback System Design. ACM on human-computer interaction.
Ivo Benke, Maren Schneider, Xuanhui Liu, Alexander Maedche (2022). TeamSpiritous-A Retrospective Emotional Competence Development System for Video-Meetings. ACM on human-computer interaction.
Eva Zahn, Ivo Benke, M Soellner, Alexander Maedche (2022). Emotion-Adaptive Learning Systems for Transferrable Skill Learning. AIS International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research.
Julia Seitz, Ivo Benke, Alexander Maedche (2022). Fatigued by yourself? Towards understanding the impact of self-view designs in virtual meeting software. SIGHCI 2022, HCI/MIS Workshop 2022.
Anke Greif-Winzrieth, Christian Peukert, Peyman Toreini, Christof Weinhardt (2022). The View of Participants on the Potential of Conducting NeuroIS Studies in the Wild. Information Systems and Neuroscience.
Gabriel Ivucic, Felix Putze, Siqi Cai, Haizhou Li, Tanja Schultz (2022). Interpretable Deep Neural Networks for EEG-based Auditory Attention Detection with Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation. Neuroadaptive Technology.
Julia Seitz, Alexander Maedche (2022). Biosignal-Based Recognition of Cognitive Load: A Systematic Review of Public Datasets and Classifiers. Information Systems and Neuroscience.
Julia Seitz, Tom Reuscher, Saskia Jakob, Alexander Maedche (2022). Towards an Awkward Silence-Adaptive Virtual Meeting System.. Neuroadaptive Technology.
Karen Bartholomeyczik, Michael Knierim, Petra Nieken, Julia Seitz, Fabio Stano, Christof Weinhardt (2022). Flow in Knowledge Work: An Initial Evaluation of Flow Psychophysiology Across Three Cognitive Tasks. Information Systems and Neuroscience.
Miguel Angrick, Maarten Ottenhoff, Lorenz Diener, Darius Ivucic, Gabriel Ivucic, Sophocles Goulis, Albert J. Colon, Louis Wagner, Dean J. Krusienski, Pieter L. Kubben, Tanja Schultz, Christian Herff (2022). Towards Closed-Loop Speech Synthesis from Stereotactic EEG: A Unit Selection Approach. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing.
Moritz Langner, Peyman Toreini, Alexander Maedche (2022). EyeMeet: A Joint Attention Support System for Remote Meetings. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Nevena Nikolajevic, Michael Knierim, Christof Weinhardt (2022). Facilitating NeuroIS Research Using Natural Language Processing: Towards Automated Recommendations. Information Systems and Neuroscience.
Simon Barth, Moritz Langner, Peyman Toreini, Alexander Maedche (2022). Recognizing Polychronic-Monochronic Tendency of Individuals Using Eye Tracking and Machine Learning. Information Systems and Neuroscience.
Sven Scheu, Ivo Benke (2022). Digital Assistants for Self-Regulated Learning: Towards a State-Of-The-Art Overview. European Conference of Infromation Systems.
Tim Schneegans, Leon Simmon, Michael Beigl (2022). Privacy Preserving Continuous Speech Recording using Throat Microphones. ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers.
Tobias Roeddiger, Tobias King, Dylan Ray Roodt, Christopher Clarke, Michael Beigl (2022). OpenEarable: Open Hardware Earable Sensing Platform. ISWC.
Julia Seitz (2022). Designing User-Adaptive Video Meeting Systems. European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work.
Anat Rafaeli, Ivo Benke, Alexander Maedche (2022). ISRE22 Pre-Conference Workshop: Emotions in Communication in Organizations and Social Media. ISRE Conference.
Anke Greif-Winzrieth, Alexander Maedche, Petra Nieken, Christof Weinhardt (2022). Ein Plattform-Basiertes Oekosystem fuer Digital Citizen Science. Forum Citizen Science.
Moritz Langner, Nico Afalg, Peyman Toreini, Alexander Maedche (2022). EyeLikert: Eye-based Interactions for Answering Surveys. 2022 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications.
Anne Cordts, Martin Klarmann, Johannes Habel (2022). Virtual customer-salesperson communication and the impact on knowledge accuracy. ISBM Academic Conference.
Lisa-Marie Wadle, Jerome C. Foo, Fabian Streit, Stephanie H. Witt, Josef Frank, Lea Zillich, Matthias F. Limberger, Ayimnisagul Ablimit, Tanja Schultz, Ulrich W. Ebner-Priemer, Marcella Rietschel, Maria Gilles, Lea Sirignano (2022). Voice Analyses Using Smartphone-Based Data in Patients with a Depressive Episode Receiving Sleep Deprivation Therapy. SAA conference.
Fabio Stano, Kenneth Qua, Verena Dorner (2022). The Pulse Of Impulse Buying: An experimental study on the effects of background music tempo on impulse buying. European Conference of Information Systems.
Nevena Nikolajevic, Michael Knierim, Christof Weinhardt (2022). Facilitating NeuroIS Research Using Natural Language Processing: Towards Automated Recommendations. Information Systems and Neuroscience.


Ingo Halbauer, Martin Klarmann (2021). How voice retailers can predict customer mood and how they can use that information. International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Ivo Benke, Ulrich Gnewuch, Alexander Maedche (2021). Understanding the impact of control levels over emotion-aware chatbots. Computers in Human Behavior.
Peyman Toreini, Moritz Langner, Tobias Vogel, Alexander Maedche (2021). EyeTC: Attentive Terms and Conditions of Internet-Based Services with Webcam-Based Eye Tracking. Information Systems and Neuroscience.
Ivo Benke, Sebastian Vetter, Alexander Maedche (2021). LeadBoSki: A Smart Personal Assistant for Leadership Support in Video-Meetings. Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.